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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

After what feels like a full year of edits and tweaks, the GUTS+ System finally has an official PDF rule book in a nice, printable format with custom images and content throughout! Get it from for $4.99 to support GUTS+ and its ongoing development!

The document is US Letter size...

Friday, August 9, 2019

The first full “official” setting for GUTS+ play has been released in the form of a hack of the system! It’s called SKATER+, and it lets you play as a skater in the fabled Sk8r’s Paradise skate park. You can go head to head against your friends or play as a team against some...

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Two big updates just a couple months apart! Don’t worry, though, these ones actually remove some complexity to streamline the whole experience a bit!

The first big change streamlines the way a character’s Inventory works. Previously, it was “Hands and Pockets” but this update...

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

This one’s kind of a biggie that changes certain aspects of gameplay a bit, especially the change to combat. Continue reading to learn more!

I recently discovered a conflict between the rolling doubles mechanic and the learning experiences mechanic: if someone has a level higher than 1, then...

Thursday, April 11, 2019

I’ve been wanting to write a sample scenario to include in the Game Master’s Handbook for a long time now. It’s always easier to get into a role-playing game when you have a sample of what a scenario might look like and see what your players should have to deal with. Well,...

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I recently discovered a new style framework that I fell in love with called Picnic CSS. Previously, this website used Bulma for its styling, and while I still love it, Picnic CSS has a significantly smaller file size than Bulma. My recent pet project has been to make the GUTS+ website as small and...

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The GUTS+ character sheet has been updated to include space for Status Effects! Since there’s no “master list” of effects, I left a space for writing a description of the effect next to the effect name.

I also decreased the size of the Inventory boxes and added some more....

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A little while ago, I learned about “conditions” in the Mouse Guard Role-Playing Game, and I fell in love with the concept. In addition to me loving them and how they are implemented, status effects are a pretty standard feature of many role-playing games that help players know how to...

Thursday, November 1, 2018

I’m working on adding a new feature to the game, and I got hung up on the name, which led me to re-think some other elements of the GUTS+ System’s naming convention. From the get-go, the GUTS+ System has aimed to have a somewhat unique naming scheme, from using “Gumption” as...

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

This week, I sat down finally thought through and wrote some rules for using Essence. I’ve had the Essence page up since the beginning, the concept being something I came up with years ago, but beyond it being simply a concept for magic, I hadn’t put much thought into how to actually...

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

After thinking about what to include and how to structure it, I finally spent some time writing the Game Master’s Handbook. Right now, it’s not fully featured, but it has at least the basic information, much like the Player’s Handbook. If you want to get started as a Game Master,...

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Over the weekend, I spent time updating the character sheet to a much nicer, editable version. Originally, I had just built the sheet in HTML, but that came with a lot of limitations and made it difficult to output into a nice, printable format. This time, I created the sheet pages with a vector...

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My whole idea for the D6 being the only die in the system stems from the concept of making GUTS+ as simple to play as possible, so I’ve been unhappy with the Success Scale for Check rolls for a while for a number of reasons:

  1. The more dice you roll, the more math you need to do in your head to...
Saturday, July 28, 2018

As I was reading through the rules about Health and Injuries again, I was thinking about how different characters can have different body types that might be able to endure different kinds of injuries more or less effectively. For example, a minotaur character might be able to sustain more major...

Saturday, April 14, 2018

I just playtested the very first version of the GUTS+ system with some friends today with great success! As we were playing, however, some questions came up about how stats were allocated and used. This led me to think about how I could refactor things to make them a little bit less ambiguous....

Thursday, March 22, 2018

The GUTS+ system is built on the idea that stats should help the story rather than hinder it. I’ve gotten hung up plenty of times trying to figure out what numbers apply to which thing in other RPG systems, and I just wanted something that would be easy to remember and easy to use.


Monday, March 12, 2018

Welcome to the home of the GUTS+ System, a role-playing game system for everyone! The system itself is still in development, but I believe it is far enough along to actually begin using for your gameplay.

As you have probably read on the home page, the basics of how to play are available for free,...